By starting an online business that let's you work from home.
A study performed by the O.C. Tanner Institute tested this theory and discovered that great work, award-winning work was produced when the main focus was about 'making a difference in another person's life.'
The attitude of doing, "will they fall in love with this after I'm done with it" kind of work was a different perspective researchers hadn't anticipated. It was the discovery that better work came from doing for others rather than doing for themself that inspired masterpieces.
The study was called "The Great Work Study" and it showed that 88% of awarded jobs consistently began where the worker first asked themself, “What would make a difference... that people would love?”
So in keeping with that same way of thinking, I know people would love... to have more money... to have more time... to be helpful to others... to have meaning in their life... to know they serve a greater purpose.
What if there were a way you could give people what they love, by doing something you want to do?
Yes, there's a way to help others while also helping yourself. There are many people who share your same hobbies and interests and want to know what you know about the topic. But that's only the beginning.
Ever had a million dollar idea? You can make that idea stand out in front of millions with a website.
A website becomes a piece of digital property that you own and have full control over. Not like a Facebook or Instagram page that you're held hostage to and don't have any true control over.
Setting up a website is easier than you might think. It only takes about 30-seconds to do. The website making technology today is much easier than it was 10 years ago.
You get to work on your website whenever you want. Obviously, the more you work on it, the greater the reward you should expect to recieve.
Reward comes to you in the form of advertising revenue, commission earned income, from clicks made on your website. Search engines pick up on the content you produce and that's how you attract visitors that click.
As you read on, you'll learn the 5 steps to making money online with a website of your own that you can do from home.
Please keep in mind the education you're about to receive is priceless.
And right now you're getting it for absolutely free.
Just consider yourself one of the lucky ones.
So, don't waste this opportunity.
This is your moment.
Seize it!..
Your niche market will be your "audience" and they will have unique needs. The advantage you'll have starting in a familiar area will be your ability to provide instant value. Plus you get to save time from having to do more research.
You can start an online business in any niche. A niche is a group of people who are all interested in just that 'one' thing.
And that one thing could be helping with... how to play a musical instrument a certain way... making vegan cupcakes and frosting... crafting holiday decorations year round... speaking another language in a specific dialect.
I think you understand what I mean.
As you develop your website and add content to it, you'll begin seeing how to make money from it. There are many different ways to make money from a website.
Let's look at a few...
What type of online business are you starting?
The most common (and most popular) method for making money online is through affiliate marketing. It's the foundation of online marketing.
Affiliate marketing is getting paid to promote brands.
The way it works online is you're assigned a specific piece of "code" from a merchant, like or Walmart.
You place that code into your website and when someone triggers it, and goes through the merchant's checkout page to make a purchase, you get a piece of the sale.
Commissions rate anywhere between 4%-75%. And when you get good at affiliate marketing, some merchants will give you 100%.
Affiliate marketing fits into any of these online business models:
Digital Product Sales
These include eBooks, podcast (mp3) recordings, online instructional courses, paid subscription (drip) content. The advantage is there's no physical inventory to manage. There's low overhead costs. It can be converted into an automated sales process. To scale the business, develop more content, or repurpose what you already have.
Physical Product Sales
Run a successful ecommerce business. Oversee physical shipment sales directly from your home or fulfillment center like Overhead costs depend on your storage needs. Inventory must be managed. Automated sales processes are available here, too.
Software as a Service
Games, apps and online services are hot commodities. Here you can monetize users through a paid subscription plan or make advertising revenue. Overhead costs will depend on your needs. Organic search and paid traffic methods are available for scaling the business upward.
Freelance your own professional services or broker projects through virtual assistants and colleagues. Relationship building and repeat business is vital to maintaining consistent income from this model. Develop and distribute content in order to advertise your services and scale business upward.
Coaching / Consulting
This is for anyone who’s articulate and knows a better way of doing things. You can have clients pay you on a paid subscription plan, by retainer, or per session. Relationship building and repeat business is vital for this business model. Develop, repurpose and distribute content to be seen as a leader in your industry and to scale up in the business.
Your website will be the foundation of your online business. Social media accounts will revolve around it. Affiliate-merchant relationships will form because of it. Payment processing companies will ask for it. But more importantly, it will be your money maker.
You'll need a name (address) for your website. This will be its domain name. When it comes to domains, .com is still the most popular option. People will always opt to use the top level domain (TLD) ".com" even though there is no technical advantage or disadvantage to using it.
That being said, choose a domain name with your target keyword in it, keep it short, and choose from any of these search engine friendly TLDs (in order of preference) .com, .io, .co, .net, .blog or .shop.
Because you're smart, you'll want to protect your money making website best way possible by using a reliable, fast, all-in-one web host / domain name provider / website builder company like SiteRubix.
As soon as your website is online, create a main menu for it. At the bare minimum you'll want to include a Home page, About Us (About Me) page, Privacy Policy page, and Terms & Conditions or Terms of Service or Disclaimer page (when applicable). Upload 5-8 articles as Posts. And explore the Admin Dashboard and Settings areas as often as possible to get used to how everything works. Next, use the following 12 Point SEO Checklist below to make sure your website content is search engine friendly. Use this checklist every time you add new content to your website.
Proper Keyword Research
Do proper keyword research using a keyword search tool like Jaaxy. Create a list of highly searched, low competition keywords. Use your list to stimulate ideas for blog content or to run a targeted PPC ad campaign.
Keyword in Title
Increase your website's ability to be found by placing a target keyword in the Title (headline) of articles / posts.
Keyword in Meta
Place keywords into the 'Meta Title' and 'Meta Description' of posts so search engines can more easily find it. Use keywords in a conversational tone because what you write here will be what readers see on the search engine results page (SERP) before clicking over to your site.
Internal Links
Keep visitors on your website longer by linking to additional content on your site. Try to also establish links between your site and other predominant authority websites in your niche.
Keywords in Images
Since keywords are vital for getting visitors back to your website, take every advantage you can by using them inside image names, too. Also include keywords into the Rich 'Alt Tags' field on your website.
Enable Snippets
Enable 'Rich Snippets' so people who've just performed a web search can read feedback and responses left by other website visitors on the search engine results page (SERP).
Reply to Comments
Get an additional boost in rank popularity by engaging with your audience, which in turn engages the search engine algorithm. Reply to visitor Comments and encourage responses by asking questions. Search engines seek out active communities.
Responsive Web Design
Responsive web design is how your customers see you and have access to what you offer. See that your website is accessible through all devices.
Website Load Speed
Don't lose customers because of lag time. Use a lightning fast, reliable, all-in-one web host like SiteRubix.
Website Security
Online trust is synonymous with security. Use SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) Certificate for every website you create. This authenticates your website's identity and encrypts delicate information like payment processing.
Social Media
Promote weekly on the most active social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube.
Website Analytics
Understand your audience better than they understand themself. Run analytics reports regularly to reveal your audiences deepest needs. Think of reports as a road map to money.
Use an online keyword research tool like Jaaxy to find the most relevant, searched for terms in your niche and produce value driven content based from those findings.
There's no limit as to how many keywords you can use on a web page as long as the content is relevant to your audience, unique to only your website, and adds value to your reader. That being said, the industry standard is one keyword per every 200 words of content.
Choose a main keyword for your posts. Then develop sub-keywords that support your main keyword.
Place your main keyword into your content Title and URL. Place your sub-keywords, including main keyword everywhere else. Including: paragraph lead sentences, subheads, and internal links to other related content on your website.
Keywords are just as essential for website content as they are for website search engine optimization (SEO). These are the technical aspects of the website page where you include keywords as part of the image names and Alt text, and in the Meta description, as mentioned above in the 12 Point SEO Checklist.
Using this approach to keywords ultimately helps you increase the amount of organic “free” search engine traffic leading back to your site.
Boost Website Traffic with Keywords & PPC
The downside to only using organic traffic is the amount of time it takes for keyword rich content to rank in search engines. The reality is that it can take months.
Using pay-per-click (PPC) however only takes hours for your content to be seen on the first search engine results page (SERP).
For instance, say you want to quickly test the responsiveness of a new piece of content you've just created. You can pay a traffic network like Google AdWords or Facebook Advertising to have it immediately be seen by your target audience.
There are many traffic networks online, you're not just limited to the big companies.
Since PPC advertising is essentially bidding money for people to visit your content, you're going to need to manage an advertising expense budget. Keep in mind when developing your content, the more relevant your PPC ad is to the content you're developing, the less expensive PPC will be overall.
How much can you earn as an affiliate marketer?
Seriously speaking... as much as you want.
Here are some example numbers for you to work with below.
This breakdown demonstrates what the lower end of the earning scale would be for an affiliate marketer starting out, per month, on average, so you can get a good idea of the earning potential.
Let's say you get 1,000 clicks to your site in a month.
That's 33 clicks per day, which is more than realistic once your website's established.
Out of those 1,000 clicks, you get a 20% click-through rate on your affiliate links.
1,000 x 0.20 = 200 affiliate clicks
• Scenario 1:
If 1:50 (or 2%) of these people buy through your affiliate links, you've made 4 sales.
• Scenario 2:
If 1:20 (or 5%) of these people buy through your affiliate links, you've made 10 sales.
If the product you're promoting pays $30 per sale (pretty typical), you'll have earned $120 in Scenario 1, and $300 in Scenario 2.
Are you beginning to see the earning potential?
Let's look at some realistic, but bigger affiliate money now.
In time as your website grows in popularity and authority you'll reach a point where you're getting 100+ unique clicks / visitors per day.
By then you'll also have a better understanding of who your audience is so you'll know how to speak to them and confidently promote $100+ per sale commission offers, plus many other offers that pay residually each month.
100 clicks day = 3,000 clicks per month
Let's keep the same 20% click-through ratio.
600 people each and every month click through to your affiliate links.
Let's say you're promoting a $100 per sale offer and converting at 1:20 (that's 30 overall conversions).
That comes to $3,000 profit in one month!
That's $36,000 profit a year.
And this can be scaled to any level you’d like.
Rankings will only continue to grow cumulatively over time, as you build out your website(s) like compounding interest. Affiliate marketing only brushes the surface of your earning potential, yet.
You will hear stories about people earning $1,000/day off of a single keyword.
You will hear stories about people earning residual income year round from home.
These stories are true and it is possible. And eventually in one form or another, it's all accomplished through affiliate marketing.
Now that you know the 5 steps to building a digital asset worth real money. Start by building your foundation tonight.
(1) Build a SiteRubix niche website (2) Create relevant content that provides value (3) Get rankings and traffic (4) Make money
Obviously, this guide has simplified the process. Each of these steps have lessons of their own.
Plus, what if you're not doing things right?
Who's going to be there for you, to watch over you?
Keep you on the right path.
Let me introduce you to someone.
That someone is me.
I thought I was a big shot.
I used this guide and struggled with things on my own.
Things got pretty rough.
I was beaten down.
But first, what if...
...I showed you a fail-proof system for succeeding with your make money online plan.
Transform your ideas into money making websites from niche idea to commission sales and plug yourself into a network of 24 / 7 / 365 days available live support anytime you need it, which is especially helpful after your new online business is up and running.
Would that save you from struggling?
It’s hard to find reliable training:
... well guess what, they will all leave you with frustrating results.
But there is Good News!
Hey there, my name is Michael Martinez and Yes, I know exactly how you're feeling.
Through perseverance, I've managed to achieve quite a bit of success. Today I'm able to...
But I'll be honest... Things definitely didn't start out this way.
When I first started my online journey, I wasn’t afraid of losing all of my money (which is probably why I did). So, I went back to the gut wrenching, undignified j.o.b. again to make up for what I had lost. Then returned back to online marketing to make things work! But they didn't. * AGAIN * Nothing changed. * IT'S NOT WORKING * So, there I am, broke yet again. All that time, effort, things I learned along the way - I thought... what a total waste. It kept me awake at night. It was really messing with my head. It was the fear of uncertainty... not knowing my plan for the future that tortured my thoughts at night. Now I sleep like a baby. But back then, I didn't have anybody I could talk to about what I felt I needed in order to achieve my purpose. There was no one near to me who understood achieving a whole new level, type of success. I even contacted several online “coaches” hoping they would be the "holy-grail" answer to my struggles. Boy, was I wrong. Broke Wrong... * AGAIN! *
Of course, you know exactly what I'm talking about, right?
Does any of this sound familiar?
But you're still at square one.
I understand just how you feel.
Ever felt so compelled to do something that even you can’t believe you did it? You can only lie to yourself for so long before you get so frustrated that the only option left is to just f*cking do something about it! So, I worked another soul sucking 9-5 job just long enough to afford me one final 6-month Oohrah at making it work. I turned in my resignation and told myself, I'm never going to trade my time for money doing something I don't believe in, ever again! I got myself back online... I immediately jumped back into affiliate marketing... I directly signed up with a PHENOMENAL all-in-one training program / affiliate marketing community... And, I‘ll tell you what, ever since then...
Everything instantly got easier.
Since then, I've run into countless people who’ve encountered the same, inner battle I went through.
It pains me knowing they didn't have to struggle like that either.
And because of that, it seemed pretty unfair of me to keep the source of my affiliate marketing success all to myself... Especially since it's made such a HUGE impact on my life.
Before I tell you what it is...
...Here's how it will benefit you:
• You Get 2 Free Websites and Secure Hosting. This is important because your website is the foundation of your online business so it needs to be reliable, fast and secure. You'll be able to use these free websites any way you want.
• You Get Access to Keywords, Niches and Competitive Intelligence. This is good because you'll have access to MILLIONS of keywords, niche insight and information about how your competitors are succeeding, all at the click of a button.
• You'll Have 24/7 Live and Instant Support. This is huge because you can either get expert coaching through Live Chat or get technical website support anytime through the help desk. In other words you’ll never have to feel "stuck."
• You Can Attend Weekly LIVE Interactive Classes and Over 300 Hours of Expert Education. This is a good thing because every LIVE class covers the latest online strategies and adds to a library of over 300 hours of education on growing a successful affiliate business.
• You'll Be Part of the Most Helpful Money Making Community in the World. Period. This is great because you’ll be part of one of the largest, most exclusive communities of aspiring internet entrepreneurs in the world. We help get each others websites ranked and make more money through pure teamwork.
You'll never be in a better position to advance your network and online business. Your success is the result of those that you surround yourself with.
Being here will give you the ability to network with "ultra successful" marketers on a day-to-day basis.
But, you don't have to take my word for it.
Here's what others say...
“Before this, I was dumping tons of money into SEO help, advertisement, and other useless ploys to earn money from my website. This company saved my life! They have provided me the tools and resources I need to grow my business and my company. I would highly recommend anyone to the program who wants to improve their website traffic and learn about internet marketing.”
… "Yes! I'd love to get in on this, but what's the catch?"
You've heard what I have to say. This program is wonderful. But what's the catch?
I'll be honest, you could skip over this offer today and hire an expensive web designer, marketing / social media manager, data analyst and more, but then you'd have to shell out more than $5000.00+
But don't worry.
You don't have to pay anywhere near that amount.
In fact, I'm actually going to make your decision extremely easy, I'm going to remove all risk!
Yup, that's right. I want to guarantee you take advantage of this offer today and feel good about it.
You get zero risk and zero obligation with your free Starter membership to one of the most trusted and respected affiliate marketing platforms in the world.
I'm excited for you to get started so you can see the results that are waiting for you on the other side!
Here's a quick recap of everything you'll have access to once you're in:
Master affiliate marketing from an industry leading company in online education.
Get expert coaching when you need help or advice.
Find an unlimited amount of keywords, niches and spy on your competition.
Fully customizable website options, choose from over 3,000 theme designs.
Run an entire business from our fast, secure & reliable hosting.
Instantly network with a rolodex of 1.4 million elite affiliate marketers.
"More Money Has Been Lost Through Indecision Than By Wrong Decision"
A wise and wealthy elderly man once told me, "I've come to learn after all these years of life, there are no wrong decisions. Only decisions we choose to make right."
Choose this moment to network with a Live community of other like-minded people in pursuit of the same things we want in life - to be better off financially so we can live life on our own terms.
Start learning how to build a website, get it ranked, and earn advertising revenue with it.
You need to be a member to gain access to this exclusive community and the information inside.
Membership is free for life. You only pay when you're eady to advance your confidence and skills building an online business.
There are two trainings included with your free lifetime membership.
The first training is how to build a website, get it ranked and earn advertising revenue with it, in any niche.
The second training is how to build a "review" type website, get it ranked and earn revenue with it, as an affiliate.
Sign up to get started now, and I'll meet you inside!
Before I let you go, I want to extend a big thank you to you for reading this guide.
I'm truly excited for you to get started making money online and see the results.
Talk to you soon,
P.S. You could skip over this offer, but then you'd still be in the same rut you’ve been in. Let me help you start achieving the results you deserve right now by clicking the button and signing up
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